The Glades County Democratic Executive Committee (Glades DEC) is the local county organization of the Florida Democratic Party (FDP). Not all small Florida counties have a DEC. In fact, Glades County is the smallest Florida county (in number of registered Democrats) that has an active DEC.
The key responsibility of a DEC is to get out the Democratic vote for each election. To support Democratic election turnout, DEC’s register voters, encourage vote by mail sign-ups, organize events, educate voters, and recruit candidates.
A DEC’s voting membership is composed of precinct committee chairs, one woman and one man for each precinct. Thus, with 13 precincts, Glades DEC is designed to have 26 voting members, plus at-large members appointed by the DEC Chair. Also serving as voting DEC members are the Democratic elected officials within the county, but they do not serve as DEC officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer). Any registered Democrat in the county may be appointed by the DEC Chair to serve on a DEC committee.
Democratic voters of the county elect a State Committeeman and State Committeewoman who represent Glades DEC in the FDP State Executive Committee. FDP holds statewide meetings three times each year to which DEC’s send representatives. These meetings include training sessions and issue caucus meetings, all designed to strengthen DEC’s in their mission.
What kind of future do you want for yourself, your family and our community? The Democratic Party is a place where you can join with others to discuss these important questions, learn from one another, and together decide how we want to move forward. Democracy is hard work. It must be defended not only in times of conflict, but protected daily through the thoughtful, energetic, and compassionate participation of every citizen in the affairs of our communities and nation. We ask you to become part of this shared process. You have much to contribute, regardless of whether it is in the form of time, money or simply sharing your personal and community perspectives.
John Capece, Ph.D.
John Christopher Capece, Ph.D. (profession: agricultural engineer)
DEC Chair, State Committeeman, & Precinct 13 Committeeman
Danika Joy Fornear (profession: journalism & non-profit management)
DEC Vice Chair, State Committeewoman, Precinct 5 Committeewoman
Linda R. Tripp (profession: retired educator)
DEC Treasurer and Precinct 13 Committeewoman
Shannen Leahy (profession: zoologist/entomologist)
Secretary and At-large DEC Member
Kristen Horn (profession: educator)
Precinct 4 Committeewoman